The Cranefield Training Method
Traditional teaching methodology uses the technique called Blocking. The learner focuses on one area and tries to master the skill through memorization, practice, and repetition. For example, a typical 60-min English lesson will spend the first 10-min reviewing the last lesson, the next 10-min introducing a new topic, the next 10-min on new vocabulary, the next 10-min on listening, and so on.
Cranefield Communication uses a more holistic method called Interleaving. Instead of focusing on one area at a time, we simulate a real-life learning environment by mixing, interrupting, and constantly going back and forth between listening, speaking, introduction of new topics, email, teleconference practice, and review. This superior technique of Interleaving accelerates the mastery of English communication skills much quicker than the traditional method of Blocking.
Going to the Gym
With many years of studying English, Japanese people already have a very strong foundation of the English language. At Cranefield Communication, our teachers are more like trainers, who challenge students to build upon what they already know. Speaking is the most important skill that our trainers will focus on. We do not teach you how to speak, but train you how to speak with lots of repetition. Imagine our classroom as a mental gym, where the trainer tells you to do 10 more push-ups and then tells you to do 10 more! Just as your muscles are sore after a rigorous workout, your brain will be sore after a Cranefield lesson.
Immersion Mindset
The quickest way of mastering English is to immerse oneself in an English-speaking country for a few months. Most working professionals, however, do not have the luxury to do this. Thus, we at Cranefield Communication recreate a total immersion experience outside of the classroom through several proven techniques that rapidly accelerate the learning process. Studies show that reviewing learned material within 24 hours, 7 days, and 30 days drastically improves retention. Students at Cranefield are required to maintain a daily English journal, set weekly English learning goals, and develop concrete plans on how to speak English everyday by using the materials learned. These are just a few of the many amazing techniques used at Cranefield to reproduce a total immersion environment.